All tagged arts standards

instruction: alignment is everything

“What do you actually want students to learn?” This question has stuck with me through all manner of initiatives and reforms. We let so much, educational jargon and minutiae cloud our path to what we want our students to learn. A single lesson might address a myriad of arts standards, and it might even reinforce a variety of Common Core Literacy or Speaking & Listening standards. But what do you really want your students to learn? That is what you are assessing. Those are the standards you want to focus on. Those are the standards to which you want to align everything else you do in your classroom. And it doesn’t need to be a very long list.

If there is one thing theatre teachers want (more than being understood by their administrators), it’s “where can I find a curriculum to teach?” I’m not sure if this transcends other subjects, though I suspect that it does, but theatre teachers are desperate for curriculum; not just ideas, not just cool projects, but daily lesson plans with materials. I hear it all the time. And I get it. We’re alone. We are islands in schools filled with teaching teams and co-teachers and departments with other people who are familiar with their subjects. We just want someone to say “teach this” so we can worry about all of the other minutiae of teaching.